Social Work Degrees

If you are interested in assisting families with stability, offering counseling to patients, and setting up services for people in need, you may find a fulfilling and productive career in social work. One of the first steps in establishing a career in child and family welfare is to enroll in a social work degree program.

Undergraduate degree programs specializing in mental health, social work, or counseling can prepare prospective students to apply for a graduate program. A master’s degree is generally required for a career in social work, as is licensure, which also requires the completion of an internship. Additionally, note that to become an LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker), for the most part, a Master of Social Work degree is required.

One of the most accessible ways to start your career in child and family welfare is through an online social work degree program.

Consider an online counseling program: Earn a school counseling degree online from Capella University. Learn more.
Online Counseling Programs At Walden

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