95 CACREP Accredited Online Counseling Programs for 2024

Reviewed by: Megan Kelly, MA, LMHC

The Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) is the top accrediting board for graduate-level counseling programs. This guide walks you through the top online counseling programs that have received CACREP-accreditation, as well as what CACREP requires when accrediting a program, commonalities across programs, and different modalities or concentrations for CACREP-accredited counseling degrees.

As you learn more about the requirements for becoming a professional counselor, you may find CACREP accreditation to be a valuable resource for choosing a reputable degree program for your educational journey.

Note that CACREP-accredited counseling programs currently encompass master’s and doctoral programs only.

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CACREP-Accredited Online Counseling Programs Overview

Our team of educational experts has thoroughly reviewed CACREP counseling accreditation compared to other accreditation agencies to provide you with detailed information you can use to determine whether you’re choosing the right program.CACREP Accredited Counseling Programs

Here’s an overview of CACREP accredited counseling programs:

  • 900+ total CACREP-accredited counseling programs
  • 800+ CACREP-accredited master's degrees
  • 80+ CACREP-accredited doctorate counseling programs
  • 100+ Online CACREP-accredited counseling programs
  • Before taking a deep dive into some of the popular CACREP accredited counseling programs, take time to consider what you’re looking for in a degree program. Some students may choose to pursue their degree through traditional, campus-based programs, others may prefer counseling programs that they can complete entirely online—and some may want a hybrid of the two.

    Luckily, there are options. There are traditional, online and hybrid programs that have received CACREP accreditation, making this decision easier for aspiring professionals who wish to become licensed counselors in the future.

    To make your search for the perfect degree program a bit easier, Counseling Degrees Online team of educational experts has reviewed the list of CACREP-accredited degree programs for each U.S. state on our website and provided a list of entirely online CACREP-accredited counseling programs on this page. Likewise, on each state’s page, you’ll find online counseling programs in that state that are accepting applicants.

    CACREP Accredited Programs Consider a Featured Online CACREP Accredited Counseling Program
    Click the university name for information on admissions, courses, status of accreditation, and more

    What Is CACREP?

    According to the website for the Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP), this organization “promotes the professional competence of counseling and related practitioners through development of preparation standards, encouraging excellence in program development, and accreditation of professional preparation programs.”

    CACREP is the leading accreditation organization for educational programs in counseling, so it should be a familiar agency for you if you plan to pursue a counseling degree. Any campus-based or online counseling programs that CACREP has accredited should display the CACREP logo on their program page, and should be listed on CACREP’s approved provider list.

    What is CACREP Accreditation?

    CACREP, or the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs, represents the gold standard in accreditation for counseling programs in the United States. Established to ensure the quality and rigor of counseling programs, CACREP accreditation signifies that a counseling degree program has met or exceeded specific standards for the preparation of professional counselors. This accreditation process is comprehensive, evaluating everything from the curriculum, faculty qualifications, and program objectives to student outcomes and program effectiveness.

    Importance of CACREP Accreditation

    • Quality Assurance: CACREP accreditation provides a layer of quality assurance, ensuring that the program has undergone a rigorous evaluation process and meets the highest standards for counseling education.
    • Licensure and Certification: Graduating from a CACREP-accredited program often simplifies the licensure application process for counselors. Many states and certification boards recognize CACREP accreditation as meeting or exceeding their educational requirements, making it easier for graduates to become licensed professional counselors.
    • Career and Educational Advancement: Employers and doctoral programs often prefer or require applicants to have graduated from a CACREP-accredited program. This preference underscores the value placed on the comprehensive training and high standards associated with CACREP accreditation.
    • Professional Identity: Enrolling in a CACREP-accredited program helps students develop a strong professional identity as counselors, grounded in the core values, knowledge, and skills essential to the profession.

    What Programs Does CACREP Accredit?

    CACREP accredits master’s and doctoral degree programs in counseling and its specialties, which include but are not limited to:

    • Clinical Mental Health Counseling
    • School Counseling
    • Marriage, Family, and Child Counseling
    • Addiction Counseling
    • Career Counseling
    • Rehabilitation Counseling

    Each specialty area has its own set of standards that programs must meet, in addition to the core standards that apply to all counseling programs.

    Why Choose a CACREP-Accredited Program?

    Choosing a CACREP-accredited program ensures that you receive an education that is not only nationally recognized for its quality but also tailored to prepare you for the challenges and demands of a career in counseling. Graduates of CACREP-accredited programs are recognized as having completed a curriculum that provides the knowledge and skills necessary for effective counseling practice, making them highly competitive in the job market and well-prepared for the demands of professional practice.

    What are the CACREP Accreditation Standards?
    Here are some of the standards that are reviewed during the CACREP accreditation process:

    • Program faculty and staff evaluation
    • Core curriculum review
    • Clinical practice requirements - including internship, practicum, and supervisors
    • Student and program assessment
    • Specialty areas

    CACREP Curriculum and Coursework

    CACREP-accredited counseling programs are distinguished by their rigorous curriculum and comprehensive coursework designed to ensure that students receive a standardized education in counseling that meets the highest professional standards. Below are common topics covered, including detailed descriptions and their relevance to the counseling profession:

    Professional Counseling Orientation and Ethical Practice

    This foundational course introduces students to the counseling profession's history, philosophy, and values. It instills an understanding of professional roles, ethical standards, and legal considerations.

    • Understanding of the ACA Code of Ethics and its application.
    • Roles and settings of clinical mental health counselors.
    • Legal issues, including confidentiality, professional liability, and duty to warn.

    Social and Cultural Diversity

    Courses in this area explore issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in counseling. They address strategies for serving diverse populations effectively and ethically.

    • Multicultural counseling theories and techniques.
    • Awareness of one's own cultural values and biases.
    • Advocacy and social justice models in counseling.

    Human Growth and Development

    These courses examine the nature and needs of individuals at all developmental levels. They focus on theories of individual and family development, human behavior, and learning.

    • Life-span development and transitions.
    • Theories of personality and human development.
    • Effects of crises, disasters, and other trauma-causing events.

    Career Development

    Career counseling courses cover theories and practices related to career development, as well as strategies for designing and implementing career counseling programs.

    • Career counseling theories and decision-making models.
    • Assessments for planning and career development.
    • Career program development, resources, and technology.

    Counseling and Helping Relationships

    This topic encompasses theories and models of counseling, consultation, and client and counselor characteristics that influence the counseling process.

    • Major counseling theories and their application in various settings.
    • Counselor characteristics and behaviors that influence helping processes.
    • Essential interviewing, assessment, and case conceptualization skills.

    Group Counseling and Group Work

    These courses focus on group dynamics, counseling theories, group counseling methods, and group work approaches, including clear communication and facilitation skills.

    • Theoretical foundations of group counseling and group work.
    • Dynamics associated with group process and development.
    • Techniques for group facilitation and conflict resolution.

    Assessment and Testing

    Courses in assessment provide an understanding of individual and group approaches to assessment and evaluation.

    • Principles of testing and measurement in counseling.
    • Ethical and culturally relevant strategies for interpreting assessment results.
    • Techniques for selecting, administering, and interpreting assessment and evaluation instruments.

    Research and Program Evaluation

    This area covers the importance of research in advancing the counseling profession, including how to critically evaluate research and use findings in practice.

    • Research methods, statistical analysis, and needs assessment.
    • Program evaluation for evidence-based practice.
    • Ethical and culturally relevant strategies for interpreting and conducting research.

    Counseling for Wellness and Prevention

    Wellness and prevention courses emphasize a holistic approach to mental health, promoting well-being rather than merely addressing pathology.

    • Principles of wellness, resiliency, and prevention.
    • Strategies for designing and implementing wellness and prevention interventions.
    • Assessment of life satisfaction and wellness levels.

    Crisis and Trauma Counseling

    Focusing on counseling strategies for clients who have experienced trauma or crisis, these courses cover the impact of trauma and the process of recovery.

    • Theories and models of trauma and crisis intervention.
    • Techniques for immediate and long-term responses to crisis.
    • Understanding the impact of trauma on individuals across the lifespan.

    Each of these courses plays a vital role in preparing students to be effective and ethical counselors. They provide the knowledge and skills required to meet clients' diverse needs and contribute to the betterment of individuals and communities through professional counseling.

    The online Master of Arts in Counseling Program at The Family Institute at Northwestern University allows students to earn their degree in as little as 18 months. Preparing the next generation of clinical mental health counselors, this CACREP-accredited program offers a comprehensive curriculum combined with extensive hands-on training. No GRE Required.
    Click for more admissions info.

All CACREP Accredited Online Counseling Programs

CACREP Accredited Online Mental Health Counseling Programs

University City State Online Counseling Program CACREP Start CACREP Expires
University of Alaska Fairbanks Fairbanks AK M.Ed. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 7/12/2016 3/31/2020
Concordia University Irvine Irvine CA M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 1/13/2018 10/31/2021
Palo Alto University Palo Alto CA M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 7/5/2015 3/31/2025
Saybrook University Pasadena CA M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 1/14/2017 10/31/2026
Adams State University Alamosa CO M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 7/15/2009 3/31/2021
Colorado Christian University Lakewood CO M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 1/14/2010 10/31/2027
Adler University Chicago IL M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 1/7/2015 10/31/2022
Bradley University Peoria IL M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 1/9/2014 10/31/2022
Concordia University Chicago River Forest IL M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 1/15/2012 3/31/2022
Northwestern University Evanston IL M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 7/9/2013 3/31/2023
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology - Online Chicago IL M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 7/12/2016 3/31/2026
Grace College Winona Lake IN M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 1/1/2003 10/31/2020
Indiana Wesleyan University Marion IN M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 1/15/2012 10/31/2021
Asbury Theological Seminary Wilmore KY M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 1/7/2015 10/31/2024
Lindsey Wilson College Columbia KY M.Ed. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 10/1/1994 8/20/2020
University of the Cumberlands Williamsburg KY M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 7/14/2014 3/31/2024
University of Louisiana at Monroe Monroe LA M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 7/11/2012 2/28/2021
Capella University Minneapolis MN M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 3/1/2002 8/31/2020
Walden University Minneapolis MN M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 7/5/2015 3/31/2025
North Carolina Central University Durham NC M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 7/14/2012 3/31/2022
North Carolina State University Raleigh NC M.Ed./M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 1/12/2011 10/31/2020
University of North Carolina at Pembroke Pembroke NC M.A.Ed. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 7/14/2011 3/31/2021
Wake Forest University Winston-Salem NC M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 1/15/2009 10/31/2026
Bellevue University Bellevue NE M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 1/13/2016 10/31/2021
Wayne State College Wayne NE M.S.E. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 7/14/2014 3/31/2024
Antioch University New England Keene NH M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 1/13/2018 10/31/2021
Union Institute and University Cincinnati OH M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 7/12/2016 3/31/2020
Oregon State University Corvallis OR M. Coun. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 7/14/2014 3/31/2024
Lock Haven University Lock Haven PA M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 1/7/2015 10/31/2024
Messiah University (previously Messiah College) Mechanicsburg PA M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 1/12/2011 10/31/2020
Freed-Hardeman University Henderson TN M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 7/18/2018 3/31/2022
Lamar University Beaumont TX M.Ed. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 1/7/2015 10/31/2020
University of Houston Victoria Victoria TX M.Ed. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 1/7/2015 10/31/2025
College of William and Mary Williamsburg VA M.Ed. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 1/9/2014 10/31/2022
Liberty University Lynchburg VA M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 7/19/2017 3/31/2023
Regent University Virginia Beach VA M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 7/14/2014 3/31/2024
Marshall University South Charleston WV M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 1/13/2016 10/31/2021

CACREP Accredited Online School Counseling Programs

University City State Online Counseling Program CACREP Start CACREP Expires
University of Alaska Fairbanks Fairbanks AK M.Ed. in School Counseling 7/12/2016 3/31/2020
Bradley University Peoria IL M.A. in School Counseling 9/1/1990 10/31/2022
Adams State University Alamosa CO M.A. in School Counseling 4/1/1994 3/31/2021
Central Connecticut State University New Britain CT M.S. in School Counseling 7/8/2008 3/31/2021
Gallaudet University Washington DC M.A. in School Counseling 9/1/1991 3/31/2024
Indiana Wesleyan University Marion IN M.A. in School Counseling 7/10/2005 10/31/2021
North Carolina Central University Durham NC M.A. in School Counseling 7/7/2004 3/31/2022
North Carolina State University Raleigh NC M.Ed./M.S. in School Counseling 10/1/1996 10/31/2020
University of North Carolina at Pembroke Pembroke NC M.A.Ed. in School Counseling 7/14/2011 3/31/2021
Wake Forest University Winston-Salem NC M.A. in School Counseling 10/1/1993 10/31/2026
University of Louisiana at Monroe Monroe LA M.Ed. in School Counseling 9/1/1987 2/28/2021
Capella University Minneapolis MN M.S. in School Counseling 1/16/2008 8/31/2020
Walden University Minneapolis MN M.S. in School Counseling 7/5/2015 3/31/2025
St. Bonaventure University St. Bonaventure NY M.S.Ed. in School Counseling 1/16/2007 3/31/2021
University of Houston Victoria Victoria TX M.Ed. in School Counseling 1/17/2009 10/31/2025
College of William and Mary Williamsburg VA M.Ed. in School Counseling 4/1/1998 10/31/2022
Liberty University - School of Behavioral Sciences Lynchburg VA M.Ed. in School Counseling 1/9/2014 10/31/2023
Regent University Virginia Beach VA M.A. in School Counseling 4/1/1999 3/31/2024
Marshall University South Charleston WV M.A. in School Counseling 1/13/2016 10/31/2021

CACREP Accredited Online Marriage and Family Counseling Programs

University City State Online Counseling Program CACREP Start CACREP Expires
Palo Alto University Palo Alto CA M.A. in Marriage, Couple and Family Counseling 7/5/2015 3/31/2025
Capella University Minneapolis MN M.S. in Marriage, Couple and Family Counseling 1/1/2004 3/31/2020
Walden University Minneapolis MN M.S. in Marriage, Couple and Family Counseling 7/11/2012 3/31/2025
Messiah University (previously Messiah College) Mechanicsburg PA M.A. in Marriage, Couple and Family Counseling 1/12/2011 10/31/2020
Regent University Virginia Beach VA M.A. in Marriage, Couple and Family Counseling 7/14/2014 3/31/2024

CACREP Accredited Online Career Counseling Programs

University City State Online Counseling Program CACREP Start CACREP Expires
North Carolina Central University Durham NC M.A. in Career Counseling 7/7/2004 3/31/2022

CACREP Accredited Online Rehabilitation Counseling Programs

University City State Online Counseling Program CACREP Start CACREP Expires
Auburn University Auburn AL M.Ed. in Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling 7/19/2017 10/31/2026
University of Kentucky Lexington KY M.S. in Rehabilitation Counseling 7/1/2017 10/31/2021
University of Hawai'i Manoa Honolulu HI M.S. in Rehabilitation Counseling 7/1/2017 10/31/2020
Wright State University Dayton OH MRC in Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling 1/14/2016 10/31/2020
Thomas University Thomasville GA M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling 1/13/2016 10/31/2023

CACREP Accredited Online Addiction Counseling Programs

University City State Online Counseling Program CACREP Start CACREP Expires
Walden University Minneapolis MN M.S. in Addiction Counseling 7/5/2015 3/31/2025
University of the Cumberlands Williamsburg KY M.A. in Addiction Counseling 7/31/2014 3/31/2024

What to Do After Earning a CACREP Accredited Master’s Degree

Earning a CACREP accredited master’s degree is a significant step in a counseling professional’s career. It’s an assurance of a quality education that meets rigorous standards. However, it is just one part of the journey towards becoming a licensed counselor and entering practice. Here are the subsequent steps graduates typically take:

Licensure Examination

Most states require passing a licensure examination, such as the National Counselor Examination (NCE) or the National Clinical Mental Health Counseling Examination (NCMHCE). Graduates should register for and prepare for the examination that aligns with their state’s licensure requirements.

Supervised Clinical Experience

Post-degree, it’s required to complete a certain number of supervised clinical hours. The exact number can vary by state but typically involves two years or 3,000 hours of postgraduate supervised experience. It’s essential to work with a licensed professional who meets the state board’s qualifications to supervise.

State Licensure Application

After meeting the educational and supervised experience requirements, candidates can apply for licensure with their state’s counseling board. This process includes submitting proof of education, supervised hours, examination results, and often a background check.

Continuing Education

Once licensed, counselors must engage in continuing education to maintain their licensure. Requirements vary by state but generally include a set number of hours every renewal period. Continuing education ensures that counselors stay current with best practices and emerging research.

Professional Liability Insurance

Before starting to practice, it’s prudent to obtain professional liability insurance to protect against potential legal claims. This insurance is often a requirement for working in various institutions and private practice.

Joining Professional Associations

Many counselors choose to join professional associations such as the American Counseling Association (ACA). These organizations offer networking opportunities, resources, and continuing education.

Entering the Workforce

With licensure secured, counselors can explore job opportunities in settings such as schools, hospitals, mental health clinics, and private practice. Networking, attending job fairs, and using online job search platforms can aid in finding suitable positions.

Starting Private Practice

For those interested in private practice, additional steps include finding a suitable location, obtaining necessary business licenses, setting up billing systems, and establishing a referral network.

By following these steps after earning a CACREP accredited master’s degree, graduates are well-prepared to embark on a professional counseling career with the credentials and experience necessary to make a positive impact in their clients’ lives.

Types of Counselors

After completing a CACREP-accredited master’s degree, graduates can specialize in various counseling fields. Here are some of the common types of counselors and a brief description of each:

  • Clinical Mental Health Counselors: They provide a wide range of services including assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mental disorders. They work in diverse settings like mental health centers, private practice, and hospitals.
  • School Counselors: These counselors work within educational settings to provide academic, career, college access, and personal and social competencies to K-12 students through individual and group counseling.
  • Marriage and Family Therapists: Specializing in family and relationship issues, they assess and treat mental and emotional disorders within the context of marriage, couples, and family systems.
  • Addiction Counselors: They focus on the prevention and treatment of substance abuse and addiction. This includes counseling individuals and groups to overcome dependencies and recover from addiction.
  • Rehabilitation Counselors: These professionals help people with emotional, mental, developmental, or physical disabilities to live independently. They might work in various settings, including rehabilitation centers and government agencies.
  • Career Counselors: They assist people with career development, job search strategies, workplace issues, and work-life balance. They often work in schools, colleges, and career centers.
  • Gerontological Counselors: They specialize in working with older adults, addressing the mental health, social, and emotional needs specific to this population.
  • Military Counselors: They provide counseling services to military personnel and their families, dealing with issues such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and the unique stresses of military life.
  • Crisis Counselors: These counselors provide immediate and direct services to individuals who have experienced trauma or a life-stressor. They work in various settings, including crisis intervention centers, hotlines, and disaster sites.
  • Child and Adolescent Counselors: Specialized in the developmental, emotional, and behavioral aspects of children and adolescents, these counselors work in schools, pediatric hospitals, and child welfare agencies.

Each specialization requires a deep understanding of the population served and often necessitates additional certification or training.

How Do You Find CACREP Accredited Counseling Programs?

Finding a degree program with the right type of accreditation doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Prospective students seeking reliable degree programs can use different methods for finding the right program that meets their needs. If you already have a particular university in mind for your program, you can review the degree program’s page on your school’s website. Most degree programs that attain accreditation list this information on the main page or through a section pertaining to specific program accreditation. A quicker alternative for finding accredited programs in your area may be through CACREP’s search tool on the agency’s website.

Visiting CACREP’s website is a good starting point for finding information about the full process of accreditation, resources for aspiring professionals in the field, and lists of accredited institutions that may be offering online degree programs. Counseling Degrees Online has also created state pages that include every CACREP-accredited counseling program as of spring of 2023.

Online CACREP Accredited Counseling Programs

For students who prefer the convenience and flexibility of online learning, here’s a list of some of the most popular CACREP-accredited online programs.

  • Bellevue University: Online Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
  • Bradley University: Online Masters in School Counseling
  • The College of William and Mary: Online Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
  • Messiah College: Online Masters in Marriage, Couple, and Family Counseling
  • North Carolina Central University: Online Masters in Career Counseling
  • North Carolina State University: Online Masters in Student Affairs and College Counseling
  • Thomas University: Online Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling

The Importance of CACREP-Accredited Mental Health Counseling Programs

In most states, earning a master’s in counseling is the first step toward becoming a licensed counselor. Accreditation comes into play at this first stage of your journey. Students seeking counseling graduate programs to enroll in should determine whether the program has received CACREP accreditation and will prepare them to be eligible for licensure after graduation.

Many States Require CACREP Accredited Degrees

Most states require that students obtain master’s-level degrees that  are accredited by CACREP. When you graduate from a counseling program and have completed your supervised work experience requirement, you are responsible for filing your application for counseling licensure. While filing for application, most states will require you to prove you’ve graduated from a CACREP-accredited program.

If you want to ensure that your program can help you at this step, you should review your counseling program’s website or contact your university’s enrollment specialist for more information.

What About State Counseling Licensure?               

One of the biggest concerns for counseling students is whether their program meets the minimum standards of their state licensure agency. This is a valid concern for new master’s-level students, since there are numerous for-profit educational programs that promote counseling programs that haven’t attained the right type of accreditation to support licensure. View state-by-state counseling licensure requirements to make sure the program you’re looking at fits the requirements needed to obtain state counseling licensure.


What Is CACREP Accreditation?

CACREP, the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs, is an independent accrediting agency recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation. CACREP accreditation signifies that a counseling program has met rigorous professional standards for a graduate education in counseling. Programs that achieve CACREP accreditation have undergone a thorough review process and are found to provide the knowledge and skills required for the preparation of professional counselors.

Is CACREP Accreditation Required to Become a Counselor?

CACREP accreditation is not universally required to become a counselor. However, some states have made it a requirement for licensure. In states where it’s not mandated, graduating from a CACREP accredited program can simplify the licensure process and enhance employment opportunities, as it assures employers that graduates have met predetermined standards.

Do CACREP Accredited Graduate Programs Cost More?

The cost of CACREP accredited graduate programs varies widely and does not necessarily depend on accreditation status. Tuition fees are influenced by factors such as the institution’s public or private status, location, and available funding. Students may find both CACREP accredited and non-accredited programs with similar tuition rates.

Does CACREP Only Accredit Counseling Programs?

CACREP accredits a variety of programs specifically related to the field of counseling. This includes programs in areas such as clinical mental health counseling, school counseling, marriage, couple and family counseling, and addiction counseling, among others. CACREP does not accredit programs outside the scope of counseling.

Do States Require CACREP Accreditation?

Some states have requirements that align closely with CACREP standards for licensure of professional counselors, and a few may explicitly require graduation from a CACREP accredited program. However, this varies by state, and it’s important for students to check the specific licensure requirements in the state where they intend to practice.

Additional Questions

How Long Does CACREP Accreditation Last?

CACREP accreditation is typically granted for an eight-year period. Programs must undergo a re-accreditation process to maintain their status, ensuring that they continue to meet the standards set by CACREP.

What Happens If My Program Loses Its CACREP Accreditation?

If a program loses its CACREP accreditation, current students and recent graduates may still be considered graduates of a CACREP accredited program for a certain period. It’s vital to check with the program and the state licensing board for specific details.

Can I Be Licensed If I Graduate from a Non-CACREP Accredited Program?

Yes, it is possible to be licensed with a degree from a non-CACREP accredited program. You will need to ensure that the program meets the state licensing board’s educational requirements where you seek licensure.

Are Online Counseling Programs CACREP Accredited?

Yes, CACREP accredits online counseling programs that meet the same standards as on-campus programs. Prospective students should verify a program’s accreditation status regardless of delivery format.

Considering Accredited Master’s in Counseling Programs

Master’s degrees in counseling may be some of the most sought-after programs for college students interested in providing a much-needed service to their community.

A master’s in counseling can provide students with advanced knowledge and understanding of the human mind, emotions, and behaviors.

To provide support to people with emotional or behavioral issues, students should aim to pursue an accredited degree program, gain two to three years of supervised experience, and pass a national licensing exam in counseling in order to become licensed.

One of the most common concerns a prospective counselor might have is whether the program they are pursuing is accredited. Below, we’ve listed several pages where you can read more about the leading accredited universities and programs in the U.S. that can assist you in getting the job you’ve always dreamed of.

Top Accredited Master’s in Counseling Programs

Master’s in Counseling

Online Masters in Counseling

No GRE MA in Counseling

Online Master of Arts in Counseling

Schools with an Online Master of Counseling

Accelerated MA in Counseling

Hybrid MA in Counseling

Dual Master in Counseling Degrees

By Online Counseling Program Specialization:

Online Master of Behavior Analysis

Online Master in Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Online Master’s in Counseling Psychology

Online Master of Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Online Master’s in Rehabilitation Counseling

Online Master’s in School Counseling

By Accreditation:

Online CACREP Accredited Master’s Programs

Online MPCAC Accredited Programs

Still Looking for CACREP Accredited Online Counseling Programs?

Below is a list of some of the most popular online counseling program types. On each page, you’ll find a detailed write-up of each program type, specific courses in each program, and schools that offer that program type.

List of Programs

Walden University 🗹 Online Masters

Walden University 🗹 Online Masters

Northwestern University 🗹 Online 🗗 Masters

Liberty University 🗹 Online

The Chicago School 🗹 Online

Colorado Christian University 🗹 Online 🗗 Masters

Our Lady of the Lake University 🗹 Online 🗗 Masters

Walsh University 🗹 Online 🗗 Masters

Walsh University 🗹 Online 🗗 Masters

Counseling Career Guide

Still Looking for a Counseling Degree?

Here are some of the most popular online counseling programs. On each page you will find a detailed write-up of the program, specific courses, and schools that offer that program that are currently accepting applicants.

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